
What’s one song you always know every word to?

‘Maggie May’ by Rod Stewart.

What is your go-to karaoke song?

‘Juicy’ by Notorious BIG.

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Going dancing!

If you could go anywhere on a plane now, where would you go?

The Maldives.

What actress would you want to play, if you there was ever made a movie about you?

Margot Robbie.

What 5 things would you take with you during a zombie apocalypse?

My children, dog, food, water and top safe places.

If your life was a movie, what three songs would be on the soundtrack?

‘Unstoppable’ by SIA, ‘Mr Blue Sky’ by ELO and ‘Ex’s and Oh’s’ by Ellie King.

If you could marry a fictional character who would it be?


What your favourite season and why?

Summer – the sun seems to make me & everyone else happy!

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